The School Meals Coalition at the UN Climate Change Conference – COP 28

The School Meals Coalition at the UN Climate Change Conference – COP 28

© WFP/Ali Jadallah

Join the School Meals Coalition’s two events at COP 28, where we will showcase how countries are using school meals programmes to drive sustainable food systems transformation and climate action. Find us at:


Nourishing the Planet, Sustaining Futures: Reimagining School meals for Planetary and Child Health
Date and Time: 8th December, 14:00-15:00 GST
Watch live here


School meals and food systems: Rethinking the consequences for climate, environment, biodiversity, and food sovereignty
Date and Time: 8th December, 16:15 – 17:00 GST

How Can School Meals Drive Climate Action

Food systems and climate change are closely connected. Not only do food systems contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, but they also need to adapt quickly to unpredictable climate events. This adaptation is crucial to meet the increasing demand for food and address the current global food crisis. However, food system reform is complex – school meals can help make it easier by cutting across policy silos and driving tangible results.

In many countries, school meals are the largest source of government procurement of food representing a global market to the order of around USD 48 billion per year. Making these meals more planet-friendly can play a significant role in a country’s response to climate change. These programmes can transform how we produce, procure and consume food.

© WFP/Ali Jadallah

By improving energy sources to produce school meals, such as green cooking solutions, by introducing more local procurement, and by promoting a healthy, sustainable diet in school, food waste can be reduced, carbon emissions can be cut, and a climate-smart next generation can be empowered.

Governments are increasingly recognising this transformative potential and are making strides towards using their school meal programmes as climate policy drivers. Read research findings on this topic

More about the two events at COP28

‘Nourishing the Planet, Sustaining Futures’ Event

Date and Time: 8th December, 14:00-15:00 GST
Location: Al-Waha Stage, WCAS Theatre within the Blue Zone
RSVP here | Watch live here

Join the School Meals Coalition for a side event focused on school meals for a healthier planet. The event will showcase how school meals are important not only for children’s health and learning but also for climate goals. We will present evidence and discuss policies with visionary leaders committed to practical and scalable solutions.

Your presence is crucial as we gather to discuss proven, replicable and scalable climate-friendly approaches to school meal programmes that are at the intersection of climate action, food systems, education and child health and well-being. RSVP here

RewirED Event ‘School meals and food systems: Rethinking the consequences for climate, environment, biodiversity, and food sovereignty’

Date and Time: 8th December, 16:15 – 17:00 GST
Location: Connect Conference Centre, COP28 Green Zone, EXPO City, Dubai, UAE
Register here

Join the Research Consortium at this event in RewirED. The emerging findings of the White Paper reveal the far-reaching impact that school meal programs can have on our food systems, influencing over 70% of publicly managed food procurement in many countries.

Planet-friendly school meals can drive positive change in four areas: promoting planet-friendly diets, adopting clean cooking methods, reducing food waste and plastic use, and offering comprehensive food education. During the session we will discuss how intentional policy shifts in procurement can prove cost-neutral or cost-effective, from sustainable diets to energy-efficient cooking, contributing to improved nutrition and lower carbon emissions. Join us in reshaping the future—one school meal at a time!