School Meals Policy submission for G20’s Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty

Forty-four member states and 33 partners of School Meals Coalition endorsed a School Meals Policy, which was submitted to the G20-led Task Force for a Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty. The School Meals Policy puts forward school meals as an evidence-backed and effective intervention to reduce hunger, poverty and inequality around the world.

ECOWAS Home-Grown School Feeding Conference: Legislating change, funding futures of children in West Africa

The School Meals Coalition is proud to support the ECOWAS Homegrown School Feeding Conference which showcases best practices and institutional models, identify solutions to support national commitments, and foster knowledge exchange and monitoring of progress in the region.

The School Meals Coalition at the UN Climate Change Conference – COP 28

School Meals Coalistion hosted two events at COP 28, where countries showcased how their school meals programmes drive sustainable food systems transformation and climate action.

UN Food Systems Summit Stocktaking Moment

The School Meals Coalition hosts the “School Meals Powering Food Systems” session at the Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment held in Rome, Italy, on 24 July 2023. The session showed how School Meal programmes can operate across policy siloes and – above all – produce results.

School Meals Coalition First Global Summit 2023

President Emmanuel Macron of France hosts the first global Summit with the theme: Investing in Future Generations: Human Capital, Sustainable Food Systems and Climate Change Action Through School Meals. The Summit mobilizes member states, development partners, and donors to increase their efforts to reach all primary school children by 2030.

School Meals Coalition Launch Celebration

Watch the launch of the Coalition – a series of entertaining, educational and informative segments which serve as the platforms for showcasing commitments, and the transformation possible, organized around the substantive themes which school meals programmes contribute to, including health, nutrition, education, local agriculture and community.

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